Complete Details on 195 Countries – Parliaments, Continents, Capitals, Currencies


This report provides key details on countries around the world, including the names of their parliaments, the continents they are located in, their capital cities, and currencies. Having an understanding of the fundamental details of nations can be useful for students, travelers, business professionals, and others who interact with or analyze countries.

The table below outlines over 190 countries with columns showing the country name, continent, parliamentary body, capital city, and currency. The countries are listed alphabetically for ease of reference. The information illustrates the diversity of governmental structures, geographies, currencies, and languages across the various regions of the world.


In conclusion, this report summarized key details on over 190 countries around the world, including their parliaments, continents, capitals, and currencies. The information illustrates the variations as well as commonalities that exist across different nations and regions. Observing the diversity across continents regarding governmental bodies, predominant religions, geographic size, populations, languages, and other attributes provides helpful perspective. And identifying unifying attributes can also reveal the interconnected nature of all countries.

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